
We do a ‘house-call’ and meet at your office to get to know you, your business and your technology vision. Understanding who you are enables us to tailor a plan that suits your specific, individual needs. The first meeting begins a process that focusses on you and your needs!

This first phase of the IT Healthcare Plan is all about getting a broad understanding of the purpose and function of your business.

We aren’t there just to count devices and check your software is up to date. We want to know why your business exists, what your goals are and what your future aspirations are.

We need to know this so we can help guide you to make IT decisions that will allow you to achieve your goals!

To achieve this we primarily use two approaches:


These are usually conducted with senior stakeholders. We listen to the identified issues and ongoing problems and begin to build an understanding of how it impacts on the organisation.


This is exactly as it sounds. We observe your organisations IT users in their existing work environment to uncover any implicit knowledge.

What are the outcomes for you?

Making use of insights gathered from the interviews and observations, the outcomes of this phase are:

Business Process Flow Diagram

This diagram is developed to confirm our understanding of your business. This comprehensive diagram enables subtle risks that may have been overlooked previously to be clearly identified and any existing ‘workarounds’ can be resolved in the next phases.

Success Factors and KPIs

Making use of the gathered information as a reference against your business goals clear and precise ‘Success Factors’ and ‘Key Performance Indicators’ are developed.

With the outcomes clearly defined we arrange to meet with you again to consider the PLAN











Want to know more?

Call us now on

1300 726 922