Business Continuity

Is there any more important consideration for your organisation than business continuity? Nothing frustrates more than things not doing what they should be doing due to human error, malicious intent or unforeseen natural disasters.
But there are ways to be prepared for almost all circumstances.

Never forgetting prevention is more important than cure; Technology Executives can help you plan for both the inevitable, and the unexpected.

It’s something worth sitting down and discussing over a coffee! Building a plan and making sure you have everything covered is possible with a little forethought.

A good plan will cover things like:

If crucial information is purged with malicious intent or inadvertently, it is important to have a plan on how to address the consequences. More often than not, a solution can be designed to protect your business.

In a sophisticated IT environment that we work in a modern workplace, different solutions communicate with each other. When there is a version mismatch, there is chance that the line of business applications stop functioning in the intended way. If that happens, a mechanism must be planned for the business to fall back upon an previous stable state.

Servers typically host the most important parts of the IT required for a business to run its day-to-day operations. Temperature changes, lack of humidity or too much, power outages, water damage, air flow disruptions are only a few factors that can affect serve operation. If the server were to fail, provisions should be made so that at least the line of business applications always work.

It is reported that nearly half of the declared disasters over a one-year period were due to power failures. So, a power failure strategy has to be thought through to protect the business from disruption and lost revenue. This might mean deploying emergency power generators or other alternatives.

In the current IT landscape where cyber security attacks have become an automated industry, it is next to impossible to design a 100% foolproof system. So, adequate measures must be in place to detect, contain, eradicate and recover if a security incident were to occur.

By the nature of their operation, all things mechanical cease to work at some point in time. Despite manufacturer warranties, things do fail out of turn and if redundancy is not factored into an implemented solution, the weakest link can cause irreparable damage to the business.

Like we hear every so often in news, there is not much we can do to stop nature’s fury. The only refuge we have is to respect nature by anticipating natural disasters and plan recovery. Creating a stand-by IT environment based out of a different state or country in relation to an existing business could be the way to approach the issue for some businesses.

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